The sun is out and spring is definitely in the air. The months of April and May in Sardinia are usually stunning and this year is no disappointment that’s for sure. The winter has been a relatively mild one with a lot of rain ensuring that the spring is the greenest time of year on this beautiful island. The Mediterranean vegetation is at its best with a huge array of different bushes and shrubs just bursting into bloom to say nothing about the wild flowers along the roadside and in the hedgerows.
The vibrant pink cacti are just beginning to add a splash of colour to the scenery – locally they are called “Buongiorno” as they open to greet the day in the early morning sunshine and close again at night time.
The amazing mimosa trees are so full of blossom that often the branches reach the ground with the weight – these bright blooms are often used to celebrate “Ladies Day” on 8 March!
The cisto grows wild – white flowers are dotted around the countryside in abundance for all of April and May - from afar they look like large snowflakes.
The bright bottle-brush plant is at its’ best at this time of year – the brushes are fat and a beautiful shade of red adding a real splash of colour to the gardens.
Wild lavender grow anywhere that there is a sunny spot so loads of this softly coloured wonderfully scented bush – pick some and dry it upside down in the sun and then use to make your cupboards and drawers smell like spring all year round.
Lemons are a very important fruit in Sardinia – without them the delicious and rather alcoholic liqueur could not be produced. There is an abundant supply with lemon trees giving fruit 4 times a year. There is nothing to compare with the fragrance of a freshly picked lemon!
This is just a tiny taste of what you may expect to see and smell in Sardinia at this time of year - soon the poppies and daisies will be everywhere adding even more colour to the vibrant and ever-changing scenery.
And don’t forget the sea – it seems to shimmer in the spring time with patches of striking turquoise contrasting with deep blue shades and all crystal clear! Just beautiful.